Under Constriction!
Meow on in...
Hi. I'm Scarecrow! Let me tell you my story... I was found on the side of the road in Nashville, TN in August of 1996. Now, who would put out a cute, very tiny kitten like me? OK, so I do have thumbs, but that is the only way I am a mutant (that you know of...) I was so tiny I had to be bottle fed. When I am old enough, I am brought to Knoxville and given to this wonderful person named Milly. I'm not bigger than a handful. She names me after a silly song they had made up:
"I could knit up lots of mittens
For all the little kittens
If I only had some thumbs.."
Yeah, they are a strange lot. Anyway, I lived there with Milly and two dogs (Beethoven and Boomer) who are fun to tease. But then Milly had to move and I couldn't go with her.
She talked it over with me and we decided our friend Alice would give me a good home. I knew her to be a good cat person, because she had fed me off her plate and I had slept on her lap. She had just settled in to her little house and was wanting another cat. Plus, Milly could come and visit me any time. So I came to live with Alice and Handsome.
Handsome is a big black cat. At the time, he was four and much bigger than me. I was just one then, but now we are bout the same size. Anyway, we were not to sure of each other for a couple of weeks. We got to know each other through the crack under the library door. When we went from hissing at one another to playing "pass the paper wad," Alice let me roam the whole house. Now we are best friends.
I guard Alice as she sleeps. She knows I am on duty because I walk over her to look out the window late at night. Whenever I am in a really friendly mood, Alice calls me "Marmalade" because I am being so sweet! I can jump really high. And I love kitty treats!

Silly mouse. He'd better run...
In case you are wondering, I am a polydactyl orange tabby(a.k.a Marmalade cat). According to Webster, Polydactyl means: "Having more than the normal number of fingers or toes." In this my case, I have "thumbs" on my front feet.
To read more and see some great photos of other polydactyl cats (some real cute kittys!), visit
The Polydactyl Pet Page. And... I am famous. My picture can be found on Stacey's International Cat Names Page under Polydactyl Cats!
Thanks for visiting, now go to my "Brother's" black cat page! (Soon)
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